Marlon Brando


Marlon Brando Jr.

He was born:  April 3, 1924

Place: Nebraska

His mother: the actress Dorothy Pennebaker

His father: manufacturer of chemical products

He had two sisters

His former wives: Anna Kashfi from 1957 to 1959,  with whom he had a son
Christian Devi in 1958

Maria Luisa Castenada (1960/1968 actress) with whom he had three children: Miko

in 1960,  Rebecca in 1961 and Simon in 1963.

Tarita Terripai (1970 to 1986) they had two children, Tarita in 1970 and Teihotu

in 1971 Christina Ruiz, one daughter, Ninna born in 1989

1943 Marlon Brando moved to NY and became a weight lifter, he later studied art and met Delia Kazan, who gave him the lead role of his first film in 1951.

1954 Marlon Brando won his first Academy Award.

1972 He received a second Oscar for his film The Godfather.

1990 His oldest son was arrested for murdering his sister's boyfriend in 1990.

He was sentenced to 10 years in March 1991 and released in January of 1996.

1995 His daughter Cheyenne killed herself

2001 Marlon Brando had to be hospitalized due to a severe pneumonia

2004 Former business manager of Marlon Brando, Jo An Corrales has filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against him.
