Geraldine Bazan


Geraldine Bazan

She was born in Mexico City on January 30th , 1983. She has been acting for 18 years working in theater, television and radio as a conductor, presenter and spokesmodel.

Her zodiacal sign is aquarium. Geraldine had a happy childhood, her family is small: She has a younger brother named, Angel Claude who is 12 years old and is also an actor, and her mother Mrs. Rosalba Ortiz who loves her and gives her unconditional support in every moment, giving her the confidence to grow every day and to fly with her own wings.

As a child, Geraldine Bazan went to school and then she liked to wath television series and soap operas of Televisa. It was then when she decided she wanted to become an actress and appear on TV. She began her career as a child runway model and appeared on catalogue pictures of departamental stores. Then she was part of the dancing team of  "Club de Gaby", and made auditions for commercial, theater and television. She appeared in some TV series of  Televisa and in Educational TV shows but kept on doing commercial TV and studying at school.

Good grades, that was the only condition so that mom Rosalba kept on giving her the support to act.

Geraldine Bazan showed to an audition for Anita la Huerfanita with actor Manuel "Loco" Valdés and Irma Infante. The production house Televisa noticed her and offered her firs role in soap operas in Corazon Salvaje.

She also acted in Buscando el Paraiso, Maria la del Barrio, Traviesa, Camila and she studied in a special workshop of Luis de Llano in Concepts and in the Choruses of the stars and supported the Teleton together with Televisa.

Geraldine became a part of the young talents of Televisa and the special workshop of the CEA (Center of Artistic Education), she joined the TV show "El Espacio de Tatiana" produced by Gabriel Vázquez Bulman, and alternated with the team of the Program XETU remix that was presented by Gloria Trevi under the production of Reinaldo López.

She made some tv spots of  "Mucho Ojo" and eventually, she was part of the actors catalogue of Televisa.

She finished secondary school and entered highschool when she was16 years old.  By the time, a new TV Chain opened in Mexico and Geraldine was offered 3 projects. It was time to say good bye to Televisa. Therefore, she wrote a letter for Mr. Emilio Azcarraga Jean, CEO of Televisa and Mr. Eduardo Murguia, Vicepresident as well as to Mr. Eugenio Cobo, director of the CEA in order to thank them for their support and the good projects she had been part of.

Mr. Antulio Jiménez Pons and Angel Jiménez Pons Padilla, producer and Director of Televisa and later of TV Azteca hired her to integrate their working team and she was offered three consecutive projects: Geraldine Bazan had the young leading role in "Catalina y Sebastián", in the soap opera  “Ellas Inocentes o Culpables” and in the soap opera  “Como en el Cine” . At the same time, Argos Productions hired her to act in theatre in "Pop Corn".  Working alternatively in theater and TV. TV Azteca started coproducing projects with Argentina and Geraldine was hired for her last project in Mexico City with the young leading role in the soap opera Dos Chicos de Cuidado.

Se was welcome in TV azteca, at the same time, she was called for movie festivals and expositions and became a part of the productions of Espejo Retrovisor,  In the time of the Butterflies, Punto y Aparte, Furia, Secuestro, La Hacienda del Terror ), while she worked alternatively in tv and theater, she studied highschool and Acting workshops and acted in short films, 16 and 35 films, internal videos and commercials.
