Brad Pitt


Brad Pitt

Name: William Bradley Pitt

Birthday:December 18, 1963

Place: Shawnee, Oklahoma


His father: William

His mother: Jane

Former-boyfriend of Gwyneth Paltrow

Married since  29.07.2000 with Jennifer Anniston

Brad Pitt began to work in small jobs, and playing small roles in the movies.

1988 He played a role in "The Dark Side of the Sun ", it was the beginning of his filmic career

2001 Brad Pitt collaborated with the Italian Damiani for whom he designed a line of jewelry, where he bought the ring that he gave Jennifer Anniston when he proposed to her.

2004 Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston announce that she is pregnant

2004 Jennifer Aniston had an abortion. Some rumors state that Brad Pitt might be having an affaire with Angelina Jolie.

For the last couple of years he has been the spokesman for Edwin Jeans ads in Japan. Spokesmodel of Toyota (Altis model). The commercial only aired in Asia. The car became so popular and resulted in strong sales figures (an almost 32% share of the total passenger car market for Toyota).

He is a member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity at The University of Missouri Columbia.

Along with wife Jennifer Aniston and friend Brad Grey, he owns Plan B Entertainment.

2004 Brad Pitt tore his left Achilles tendon during the production of Troy production of Ocean's Twelve to be pushed back to April 2004.

2005 November. Despite the rumors saying that Brad Pitt and Angelina got married in secret at a Buddhist ceremony, his publicity team is apparently very angry and is currently denying UK tabloid reports that the movie star has married Angelina Jolie in a secret wedding ceremony. The Daily Star reported the actor is wearing a gold band on his wedding finger since the alleged ceremony and the pair plan to go public as a couple once a legal ceremony in the US has taken place.
